It’s no secret my photography business is just in the beginning stages. These are the hardest years of just trying to find my place. Figuring out what works, and what doesn’t. How do I attract more than just one time clients, but clients that will become MY clients, and continued friends? What do I need to work on? What do I still need to learn? How do I balance growing my business, my regular job, and my personal life without going insane? So many questions…
Last year I started looking for mentors in the photography world. I found a few different people whom I fell in love with and invested into the education that these pros offered. One of my favorite photogs has been Katelyn James. She is an absolutely AMAZING wedding photographer in Virginia. If you don’t know her, check out her blog here!
Katelyn is the first photographer that I started my path of continuing education with. In fact, I’ve taken ALL of her online courses! She has been instrumental in helping me learn tons of things from posing, lighting, location choices, etc. So this month, when she launched her brand new course, I was right on board!
The KJ Business course is exactly the next step I needed. I jumped right into its content within the first day. There is so much in there, along with ideas and perspectives that I’ve never thought of! I cant wait to apply these concepts to my business and see how I grow into the oncoming year! Thank you Katelyn, and watch out world! First step – Headshots with Ashleigh Grace Photography!
Ashley Jade