
Ashley Jade



Ashley Jade


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Ashley Jade Photography

So 2020? Yeah that was fun time. I think we can all agree 2020 was just a shit show, and not because people bought toilet paper by the cases. But I don’t want to focus on all of that. I want to celebrate, because even in the midst of a pandemic and being shut down, I still managed to grow my business and meet some amazing couples and high school seniors!

It is so amazing to me going through every session from this year and seeing how I’ve grown and developed as photographer. I still have so many things to learn and goals but I think I will always have those things to strive for and reach.

So for this post I want to celebrate everything I accomplished in 2020. I’ve dug through my sessions and pulled some of my favorite images. These are the best of my engagements, weddings, and seniors for 2020. I can not wait to see what happens this year!

2020 Started off with some Wintery engagement sessions!

I shot some Beautifully Maternity and Family Sessions!

Even though I wasn’t able to shoot this wedding because of COVID, we were able to meet up later and shoot some beautiful post wedding photos!

I shot my first set of extended family photos with some of the cutest kids!

And Then I even got to shoot a surprise proposal!

A picture on a toilet? Seems fitting for 2020.

Want to see more engagements? Click here

Want to see more weddings? Click here

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