This summer was the year for rained out sessions! Or at least near-misses. Alex’s Senior photos were no exception. We wrapped up her photos just in time to drive home in the rain. Check out how bright our photos started and how dark the sky got at the end!
Alex and her mom met me in Green Bay at one of my favorite parks – Fonferek’s Glen. I love this park so much for not just the variety, but for the reason that it is so huge. It’s a super popular place for photos and even on the craziest busy days, there is still a ton of room get pictures and not be in other people’s way.
Like any session, Alex started off a little quiet but quickly warmed up. The first 15 minutes are always throw away minutes to me. This is the time that I just get my senior warmed up and in a groove. After that they realize the session is way easier and fun than they thought it would be. We chatted about all the things and what her next plans were after high school. She really is one of the sweetest seniors I’ve worked with. She’s going to do amazing things after high school!
We worked through three different outfits, all of which Alex Rocked out amazingly well. By the time we were done, I had well over 1,000 images to take home and scan through. I’m torn between what my favorite look was. Each outfit had its own vibe and feel to it. You’ll have to be the judge!